The intersection of WYO 22 and US 26/89/189/191/287 within the town of Jackson in Teton County, Wyoming
The Wyoming Department of Transportation was developed by the people of Wyoming to oversee transportation infrastructure within its borders. WYDOT's stated mission is to provide a safe, high quality, and efficient transportation system. Included in that mission is to improve efficiency at major intersections on Wyoming's highways.
Operational improvements and a new, interim configuration is proposed at the Y intersection in 2017. The primary purpose of this project is to improve the intersection by alleviating congestion and improve safety. This intersection was initially designed as a rural intersection, but is now an active urban intersection. Recent years have seen increased vehicular and pedestrian use throughout this intersection. Wait times have increased substantially with the increased use. By reconfiguring the intersection, this project will optimize the through and turn movements to improve traffic flow and safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.