Sheridan Coffeen Ave. and Brundage Lane Corridor Study -- results are in!

 The Wyoming Department of Transportation completed a study of the Coffeen Avenue and Brundage Lane corridor last fall and has compiled a number of improvements that could be considered to improve safety and efficiency on Coffeen Avenue, Brundage Lane, and Sheridan Avenue. 
Coffeen Avenue is a primary route through Sheridan and is a major commercial area. It connects downtown Sheridan to communities south like Big Horn, Banner, and Story through US Hwy 87. Brundage Lane connects the Sheridan County Airport, WY Hwy 332, Sheridan Avenue, Coffeen Avenue, I-90, and communities east like Ucross and Clearmont through US Hwy 14.

The study identified improvements to Coffeen Avenue and Brundage Lane that could benefit local vehicle traffic, bicycles, and pedestrians in the community, as well as regional and tourist vehicle traffic that travels through Sheridan. Click here to see the results! You can also click here to take a survey on the results.

WYDOT is Wyoming’s largest and most widespread state agency, with wide ranging functions and responsibilities - all concerned with providing a safe, high quality, and efficient transportation system.

Working closely with private sector partners, WYDOT employees plan, design, construct and maintain roads and bridges, while promoting safety and protecting the environment. Other WYDOT responsibilities include law enforcement, drivers licensing, motor vehicle regulation, airport improvement assistance, and coordination with local jurisdictions on planning, project supervision, and public transit.

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