The basic principles governing transportation research and technology investments are outline in Title 23 of the United States Code, Chapter 5: Research, Technology, and Education, and reinforced in Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), the latest surface transportation authorization bill. Title 23 of the United States Code, 505(a), and the Planning and Research Program Administration Federal Rules, as set out in 23 C.F.R. 420.103(a)(1) require that two percent of “the sums apportioned to a State … shall be available for expenditures by the State …” for various surveys, investigations projects, planning, development, implementation, studies, research, technology transfer activities, and training. Title 23 of the United States Code, 505(a) further requires “not less than 25 percent of [the 2 percent]… be expended by the State for research, development, and technology transfer activities…” and that the Federal share for state planning and research (SP&R) shall be 80 percent.
Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Sec. 420.209(a) sets out that state DOTs must:
- Implement a research, development and technology (RD&T) work program;
- Use all Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) planning and research funds to the maximum extent possible;
- Implement a procedure for tracking program activities, schedules, accomplishments, and fiscal commitments;
- Support, use, and report to the transportation research information system (TRIS) database;
- Implement procedures to determine effectiveness of the state’s DOT RD&T outputs, and facilitate peer exchanges;
- Produce final reports which include data collection, analyses performed, conclusions and recommendations; and
- Participate in peer exchange programs.
Subpart (c), of Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 420.209, requires research programs certify that their program conforms to management processes. (See Certificate attached hereto.)
Research projects which use research funds must adhere to the Wyoming Department of Transportation’s (WYDOT) Mission Statement and Goals. The Mission Statement sets out that WYDOT works to “provide a safe, high quality and efficient transportation system”.
WYDOT Goals are as follows:
Improve safety on the state transportation system.
- Serve our customers.
- Take care of all physical aspects of the state transportation system.
- Improve agency efficiency and effectiveness.
- Develop and care for our people.
- Exercise good stewardship of our resources.
To accomplish WYDOT’s mission and goals, and to remain complaint with the federal rules and regulations, the WYDOT Research Center (Center) strongly emphasizes applied research designed to solve practical problems, and assist stakeholders by taking full advantage of new technologies. The Center’s staff continues to provide direction in the national research community through its participation in the Transportation Research Board (TRB), the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee (AASHTO RAC), and other technical organizations.
This report details the diversity of the Center’s research involvement including the following:
Research and Development Studies
- Transportation Pooled Fund Studies - Studies which are generally 100 percent Federally funded and provided with technical input by WYDOT.
- WYDOT Studies - studies funded, directed, and sometimes performed by WYDOT personnel.
- SP&R Research – studies performed by outside entities and the funding for these projects are at an 80% Federal, 20% state mix.
Technology Transfer Activities
- Research Information Services - The Center acts as WYDOT's central location for facilitating, acquisition and distribution of technical information (publications, videos, technical expertise, etc.), through its library, electronic database and sharing capabilities with state and Federal repositories.
- Local Technology Assistance Program (LTAP) - Providing technical training and information resources for local governments and organizations through the Wyoming Technology Transfer (T2) Center located at the University of Wyoming.
FY 2015 Research Work Program
FY2016 Research Work Program
FY2017 Research Work Program
FY2018 Research Work Program
FY2019 Research Work Program
FY2020 Research Work Program
FY2021 Research Work Program
FY2022 Research Work Program
FY2022 Revised Research Work Program
FY2023 Research Work Program
FY2024 Research Work Program
FY2025 Research Work Program