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WYDOT has a full-time wildlife biologist who performs wildlife studies related to transportation. The biologist works directly with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management to ensure that Wyoming's wildlife is protected.



DOT-USA.gifWYDOT's Exemplary Ecosysem Inititative Awards

The WYDOT is a three time recipient of FHWA Exemplary Ecosystem Initiatives award.  The Exemplary Ecosystem Initiatives (EEI) award is given out yearly to State Department of Transportation’s or Federal Lands Highway Division for outstanding commitments to environmental stewardship.

Baggs 06a.JPGBaggs Underpass

The Baggs Underpass is about six miles north of Baggs on WYO 789 at reference marker 45. WYDOT's wildlife biologist has been monitoring this underpass since October 2009.

Wildlife use and additional pictures are found in the updates below.

Nugget Canyon 09a.JPGNugget Canyon

Nugget Canyon is located along US 30 between Sage Junction and Kemmerer. The Nugget Canyon wildlife underpass area consists of seven box culverts with 15 miles of wildlife fencing.

Togwotee Pass Wildife StructuresUnderpassa.jpg

Togwotee Pass is located on US 26/287 between Moran Junction and Dubois Wyoming. The project is 38-miles long and consists of five wildlife underpass crossings and four multiuse underpass crossings.

Trappers Point Wildlife Underpasses and OverpassesTrappers Point 09a.jpg

The Trappers Point project is located along a 23-mile stretch of US 191 between Pinedale and Bondurant. The project will consist of adding six wildlife underpasses and two wildlife overpasses. The overpasses will be Wyoming's first. Construction will start in 2011 and be completed by fall 2012.
The pronghorn migration through Trappers Point is mentioned on National Geographic's Web site under Epic Migration Seen "Through Eyes of" Antelope.
National Geographic Daily News Article -- Pictures: Overpass Helps Pronghorn Migration