
Driver Services conducts re-examinations of individuals referred by law enforcement, medical and vision specialists, therapists or based on examiner observation. Applying for a disabled placard may also alert an examiner to a condition that may result in the need to assess your capability to safely operate a motor vehicle . Examiners in every Driver Services’  office are trained to observe  a person's physical demeanor, review medical and vision evaluations, personal interview and by conducting a re-examination. A re-examination may consist of:

  • Medical and/or vision evaluations submitted by your doctor(s)
  • Written testing
  • Driving Skills testing

Medical Evaluation and Vision Evaluation

Assessing a person's physical, mental and visual health are important factors in the re-examination process, and in making a decision whether or not a person meets the standards necessary to safely operate a motor vehicle. These standards are not age or gender related, and are accepted nationwide as the norm for safe driving. You may be asked to have your medical specialist and/or vision specialist complete an evaluation form given to you at the time you are notified of a required re-examination. It is very important that these forms be completed in a timely fashion so that your driver license is not cancelled.

Knowledge Testing

A computer test is given to evaluate whether or not you are knowledgeable about certain traffic signs and regulations.   If you are uncomfortable with computers, a paper test may be given.  This test must be successfully passed with a minimum score of 80% in order to proceed with the driving skills test.

Driving Skills Testing

A driving test is given in the type and class of vehicle that the client is either licensed for or that they wish to drive.

You are required to furnish your own vehicle for a driving skills test. Before your driving test you should make sure that your vehicle is:

  • legally licensed, registered, and insured
  • equipped with seat belts for both the driver and the front-seat passenger
  • in good working condition - brakes and brake lights, head and tail lights, horn, doors must be able to be opened from the inside, windshield must not have cracks that obstruct the driver's vision, windshield wipers and tires must not be frayed or bulging

The driver examiner will go over the results of the re-examination with you after all the tests have been completed:

  • If you pass the driving skills test, the examiner will explain what restrictions, if any, need to be added to your driver's license.
  • If you do not pass the skills test for an accumulation of errors or because of an "automatic failure" you may ask the examiner about the possibility of being issued a learner's permit to practice driving with another licensed driver until you can operate your vehicle in a safer manner. A learner's permit is valid for one year and may be renewed as many times as necessary.

If you do not pass the skills test and the examiner determines that you cannot operate a motor vehicle safely and should not be driving, your license will be recommended for cancellation.

If you have any questions or concerns about the re-examination process, please feel free to call a representative at 307-777-4839.