Q: What is ELDT?
A: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT) regulations set the baseline for training requirements for entry-level drivers. Prospective license holders will receive training in driving theory, like hours-of-service requirements, as well as behind the wheel training. Training will not just better equip new drivers before they start their careers, but aims to help make roads and highways safer.
Q: When do these changes go into effect?
A: February 7, 2022.
Q: I already have my CDL, does these changes apply to me?
A: Current CDL holders will not be affected by the new requirements unless the driver is wanting to upgrade his or her current CDL to a Class A, or wants to add an endorsement like school bus, hazardous materials, or passenger.
Q: I obtained my Commercial Learner's Permit (CLP) before February 7, 2022, am I required to take ELDT?
A: No. Drivers with CLPs dated before February 7, 2022, will not be subject to the ELDT requirements unless the driver wants to gain a new endorsement or upgrade to a Class A.
Q: Where do I go to fulfill the ELDT requirements?
A: WYDOT does not sponsor or host training. Training providers can be found on the Training Provider Registry on the FMCSA webpage.
Q: What costs are associated with the ELDT?
A: Costs vary on a program-by-program basis. Neither WYDOT nor the FMCSA can dictate how much the program should cost.
Q: How long does training take?
A: While there are no requirements for minimum length the training can take, drivers can expect it to take about six weeks. Individual programs may vary on length of training, WYDOT recommends enquiring with providers directly.
Q: Are these changes only applicable to Wyoming drivers?
A: This is a national requirement issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Q: Do I have to receive my ELDT in Wyoming to be eligible to drive in Wyoming?
A: Drivers can obtain training from any registered provider on the Training Provider Registry, regardless of location.
Q: Are there any exceptions to the ELDT requirements?
A: Certain individuals may be exempt from these requirements. See Getting Your CDL for more information.
Q: Can I still test with a State Examiner if I receive training from a trainer listed on the Training Provider Registry?
A: Yes, the State is still providing the required skills tests to obtain your CDL. Please visit our testing page for additional details.
Q: I have a CLP that was issued prior to February 7, 2022, and I want to take my HAZMAT knowledge test. Do I need to do the ELDT training for HAZMAT if I want to take the knowledge test after February 7th?
A: Yes, any person wishing to take the HAZMAT knowledge test to obtain their first time 'H' endorsement after February 7, 2022, must meet the ELDT requirements outlined in the final rule.
Q: I currently hold a CDL with a “H” or “X” and need to renew my driver license, do I need to meet the ELDT requirements prior to renewing my license with a HAZMAT endorsement?
A: No, you do not need to meet these requirements, but the written test may be required if you have not taken it within the previous two (2) years.
Q: How can I become a Registered Training Provider?
A: Register with the FMCSA here.