BlackCat Aviation



The BlackCat Aviation Data Management System® is a comprehensive, user-friendly online web-application that is accessible to users 24 hours a day from any device with an updated web browser.

The system provides multiple user groups the ability to view and manipulate aviation data related to ongoing improvement projects and grants. Together DOT staff, aviation facilitity managers, sponsors, planning agencies, federal agencies, and engineering firms are able to work cooperatively on improving the infastructure of the state's airport system.

For any questions or to be added as a user in BlackCat, please contact Grants and Programming Specialist Tiffany Romero, (307) 777 - 3959.

To access BlackCat Aviation click here

Available for download: BlackCat User Guide

The Wyoming Aeronautics Division is responsible for oversight of the Wyoming Aviation Capital Improvement Program (WACIP). The WACIP is a compilation of all anticipated improvement projects for each public airport in the State of Wyoming and is used to program airport improvement projects for state grant funds.

Sources for the WACIP include airport planning efforts, such as Master Plans or Airport Layout Plans, the FAA, and continuous input and communications with Wyoming airport sponsors.

For more information on the WACIP or to be added as a user in BlackCat, please contact Grants and Programming Specialist Tiffany Romero at (307) 777 - 3959.
