WYDOT hosting Open House regarding 2026 Interstate 25 project in Casper

February 18, 2025

CASPER - The Wyoming Department of Transportation will host a public open house to present information on an upcoming project on Interstate 25 through Casper beginning in 2026.

The open house will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 19 at the WYDOT Casper office, 900 Bryan Stock Trail. Stop by anytime during these hours to learn about the project, which will involve the rehabilitation of I-25 roughly between the Walsh Drive overpass to Center Street.

The project includes the reconstruction of the intestate bridges over McKinley Street; new pavement between the end of the Walsh Drive overpass bridge project and Center Street; the removal of the bridge on Hereford Lane over the interstate and the construction of weave lanes between Center Street and McKinley Street and between McKinley Street to Bryan Stock Trail.

This project is in its initial stages and has not been let to bid. It’s set to begin once the current construction between Center and Poplar streets has been completed in 2026.