Safety Measures & Hours of Movement

Basic Safety Measures for an Oversize Load

FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON THESE REQUIREMENTS go to; Rule Governing Size, Weight, and Permits on the Legal Size and Weight Page located on the left-hand side. 

·          Restricted to Daylight hours only unless specified in Hours of Movement for Oversize Loads below

·         Signs visible front and rear that read “ OVERSIZE LOAD . The signs shall have a yellow background and be at least 60 inches wide by 10 inches high, with black letters at least 8 inches high, and painted in 1-inch wide brush strokes.

·         12” square red or fluorescent orange flags on all four corners, any projections wider than the corners and on the rear overhang of 4’ or greater

·         Headlights and taillights on and visible

·         Check for escort requirements on the Escort Information page located on the left-hand side. 

Hours of Movements for Oversize Loads

Hours of movement of any oversize load or vehicle shall be made only during daylight hours, except for the following:

1. With permission of the Wyoming Highway Patrol

2. A single unit as part of a combination exceeding 60 feet in length, properly permitted, signed, and lighted provided the overall length does not exceed 110 feet. A single unit alone exceeding 60 feet in length, properly permitted, signed, and lighted provided that single unit does not exceed 75 feet.

3. A load up to 10 feet wide properly permitted and equipped may travel on Interstate Highways only (with an allowance given on primary and secondary highways for 5 miles for food, fuel, services, or terminal or point of delivery).

4. A vehicle or load responding to an emergency as determined by the Wyoming Highway Patrol will be allowed to operate after-hours providing it is properly permitted, signed, lighted and has escort(s) as follows:

a) Interstate highways, a vehicle or load that exceeds 10 feet in width shall have one escort to the rear.

b) Primary and Secondary highways, a vehicle or load that exceeds 8'6" in width shall have two escorts, one to the front and one to the rear.

Vertical Clearances and Size & Weight Restricted Highways Link

WYDOT Restrictions Page

Port of Entry and Super Load/Overweight Loads Office Link